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Profetiese Woord

Ek weet baie duidelik dat mens nie van profeet na profeet hardloop en dan blindelings volg wat hulle sê nie. Dit kan baie gevaarlik wees. Ons profetiese Woord is meestal bevestigend van wat ons reeds self by Ons Vader gehoor het.

Dit is wel wonderlik om bevestiging te kry van wat jy self by ons Vader hoor. Veral van iemand wat niks van jou weet nie.

Die Woord sê ook: ”In die mond van twee of drie staan ‘n saak vas.”

Mat 18:16  maar as hy nie luister nie, neem nog een of twee met jou saam, sodat in die mond van twee of drie getuies elke woord kan vasstaan. (AOV)

2 Kor 13:1  Dit is die derde keer dat ek na julle toe kom. In die mond van twee of drie getuies sal elke woord vasstaan. (AOV)

As ons deur die Woord lees sien ons dat ons Vader ook Woord gespreek het oor baie mense se lewens. 1991.

Ek sien ook dat die Here vir jou ’n plan vorentoe het in berading want jy is ‘n goeie luisteraar. Ek voel in daardie area wil die Here jou ook gebruik. Ek sien mense in jou huis inkom, vroutjies en selfs tieners en hulle kom maak net hulle hart oop en die Here gee vir jou wysheid hoe om met hulle te deel.

Ek sien dat die Here jou gaan intrek in ‘n tyd van baie nou verhouding met die Here waar jy tye van soet gemeenskap met die Here gaan hê waar die Here vir jou die wonderlikste goed gaan oopmaak.

Ek sien dat die Here vir jou ‘n skryf talent gegee het. Jy gaan ‘n boek skryf. Dit gaan fantasties wees, dit gaan absoluut die mense oplig, dit gaan vir hulle iets anders wees want dit gaan absoluut die openbaring wees wat die Here vir jou gee.

Ek sien jou deponeer in mense se lewens regtigwaar baie baie deponeer – dit gaan vir jou so gering en so klein lyk maar vir God is dit nie klein nie, dit is werklik wat die Here wil doen deur jou en vir die mense wat dit hoor gaan dit wees soos absolute openbaring.

Dit gaan goed wees asof hulle gesê het maar hoor hier ek het nog nooit in my lewe dit so gesien nie – dit gaan regtigwaar openbaringskennis wees.

Profetiese Woord:

We thank you Lord for Elize – Elize I just saw – I had a vision of you, walking up a mountain. I just saw that all the way up, there seemed to be difficult paths – and you would stop along the way and then you would move and continue on another path and it just seemed to be a never-ending climb up this mountain and I just see that in this climb up, there were times that you got weary and there were times that you would get invigorated again and you would say, “Okay, I am pressing on – I am pressing on.”  And then there were times that you would just sit again – and say, “Actually I am tired of climbing now.” I saw in the times of you sitting – God just refreshing you and restoring you. But I just saw Him taking you up to a new level and a new height in Him. And I just saw Him teaching you things along the way and I saw Him moulding your character…….

I just see Him taking you to a new place. I see you going into a new area of ministry. I see you have a real passion for women. I see a lot of women coming before you – broken women – women who would come to you for advice – and I see that there had been times that you had not even trusted yourself enough; where you have said – God I cannot believe that you would even use me – but God says the best is yet to come. And I just see Him opening new doors – a lot of new doors. I see Him bringing a whole new almost like a whole new group of new people into your midst. And I just see Him opening new doors all the time.

I just see Him wanting to encourage you not to grow weary but to continue to go up that mountain into His presence.

Profetiese Woord:

Father, we just thank you for the spirit of a warrior that rest upon this lady in the name of Jesus.

We just thank You God that mighty, mighty, mighty shall she be in battle….. And the Lord says: “You are going to know all things.” and God says: “I’m going to use you mightily to bring certain streams together, even in certain ministries.” God says: “I’m going to cause you to be one who will stand as a pillar to hold up 3 sections.” I see even 4 sections, like a pillar. God says: “I’m going to start to release you in your teaching gift.”

And God says: “Surely, you shall come forth as warrior, surely you shall be as a Deborah, and you shall come forth in battle and you shall even outstrip many that have said well, we’re the ones that knew this way, that knew that way.”

And God says: “For I shall cause you to pioneer new frontiers, I shall cause you to be one who would have a boldness to go in new directions.” The Lord says: “For surely I have caused you to be a leader and not a follower.” But the Lord says: “Daughter for this you will have to humble yourself under My hand for many years and I will nurture this gifting and I will protect it, and I would not have you go out long before your time.” God says: “Check your timing on all things.” The Lord says: “I will make all things beautiful in My time.” God says: “for surely daughter, I will open things to you, surely it shall come.”

Profetiese Woord:

For I have called you to stand high above your circumstances says the Lord. To stand on the mountaintop so that you can see the land as far as the eye can see. For I do not want to restrict you or to tie you down My child. Rather I want to open up the road ahead of you and to widen your path. I desire to make your foot steady and sure.

So, take my hand and put your trust in Me now. Do not put your trust in the things that you can see with your eyes. Do not put your trust in the pressures that are coming against you. Rather put your trust in Me and hold steadfastly onto My hand. For I will take you where you could not go before. I will do for you what you could not do in yourself.

When the way gets difficult and you cannot climb any longer, I will pick you up in my arms and I will carry you through. My child, lean on My strength now. For I can do what you cannot do. Lean on my hand and I will raise you high above the waters. I will snatch you out of the fire and then I will put your feet on a steady place.

As you keep your eyes on Me, you will look down to see that I have carried you the rest of the way. For you will not overcome any of these things with natural ability. You will overcome them with My supernatural ability and when you stand on that mountaintop, you will know that it is I that has place you there.

So, leave those things which are behind and press on forward towards the mark. For I am here to help you get to that finish line says the Lord. Amen

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